Finn's Family Restaurant Biscuits and Gravy


For our next installment of Blogscuits and Gravy, we all met up for breakfast at a restaurant I had never heard of despite my fairly extensive biscuits and gravy research. At my mom's suggestion, we decided to try Finn's  Family Restaurant in Port Richey.

Another Wednesday, another new breakfast place! In early January my mom proposed a visit to Finn's Family Restaurant, which is almost halfway between our respective houses, saying she heard it was good. I checked the menu to make sure it included B&G and the breakfast choices looked great to me. It took a little bit of rescheduling for the whole family to make it to Finn's but make it we did, and it was an interesting experience.


The place:

Finn's Family Restaurant- Port Richey, Florida.

According to their Facebook, Finn's opened in October of 2023, as announced by their cover photo of the "F.F.R. Daily Times" newspaper:

Definitely didn't misread this as the FDR Daily Times.

Finn's opened last year serving only breakfast and lunch, but as of January 3rd they have added dinner to the menu Wednesday through Saturday.

The restaurant is in a shopping center on Ridge Road. There is plenty of parking but it turned out to be a little difficult to get in and out of the parking lot due being on a busy main road.

We actually beat my parents to the restaurant by about 60 seconds! We walked in a few minutes before 7:30 and we were one of very few early birds there.

We were seated immediately by an older man (who we took to be the proprietor) and were informed that there was no waitress yet. He brought us menus and drinks and took our order.

The menu:

I ordered The Classic: two eggs (scrambled), rye toast and home fries (well done). My dad ordered a waffle with strawberries, and my mom ordered an omelette with spinach and feta. T of course, ordered her Biscuits and Gravy which Finn's calls The Southern Belle.

It took awhile before any other employees came in and we ended up being waited on solely by the man who seated us. He did a great job taking our orders and the food was ready in about 15 minutes. I took a photo of the picture hanging above our table because I found it to be hilarious.

Are those Muppets?????

The verdict:

T really enjoyed these biscuits as they were crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. They were a little smaller but cooked evenly and she said the crispiness was her favorite part.

The gravy was sweet with small sausage pieces interspersed throughout. T said the gravy had a great balance of the sausage pieces and that it was creamy but not milky and you could still taste the sausage. She said the gravy was very good and flavorful and she would eat it by itself.

She also said that the eggs on top were fluffy and good combined with the B&G.

Overall, T rated her Finn's Biscuits and Gravy as a 7.5/10.

She said the crispiness was a nice surprise and that everything else was pretty good: the seasoning, the gravy, and the sausage flavor.

My meal was very basic but satisfying. The potatoes were delicious and crunchy and the eggs were fairly flavorful. The toast could have been a little toastier, but I would eat almost any bread you put in front of me so I enjoyed it all.

My parents had a bit of a different experience. My mom said her omelette had an excessive amount of spinach in it and it was affecting the flavor. She said the spinach was taking over everything.

Dad said his waffle was fluffy like a pancake but seemed like it wasn't cooked enough, almost like a soggy Eggo.

Other thoughts:

I thought the plating and presentation of the food was beautiful despite mixed reviews from the fam. It should be noted that I consider us to be waffle snobs since we grew up in New Jersey and as I've mentioned previously, absolutely nothing compares to a NJ diner waffle. We do prefer our waffles to be on the crispier side.


 While we weren't all on the same page about our separate meals, I really appreciated that lacking a waitress didn't negatively affect our experience. We never had to wait long for service and the man who served us was very friendly. As we left, T stayed back to thank him personally.

January 24th's specials board

While the decor inside didn't impress me, I did like the little counter at the back with a TV so those inclined can watch the news with their breakfast or sports with dinner. The stone wall and string lights make it look cute, maybe a little New York-y. I think the wall art could be improved a bit as it was kind of themeless, and the lighting of the restaurant was a bit dark. However! I really enjoyed the multiple Gilmore Girls themed pieces they had and as a superfan I was required to take pictures.

I did a bit of snooping, I mean RESEARCH on the Finn's Facebook page. The restaurant is owned by the Plumb family who I believe are husband (our "waiter") and wife (a Gilmore Girls fan). Finn's gives a 10% discount to veterans and they frequently offer free coffee to vets and first responders. You can order from Finn's on DoorDash which is awesome, plus they are very active on Facebook which is always a plus for me. I love a business that is transparent and informative about their hours, location, menu, and specials!
