Ram's Family Restaurant Biscuits and Gravy


After a long winter's nap, Blogscuits and Gravy is back to posting regularly to spread the joy of biscuits and gravy to one and all. For our next culinary adventure, we visited a favorite breakfast haunt of my parents, up in their hometown of Hudson: Ram's Family Restaurant.

My parents have lived in Hudson just short of a year but it didn't take long for us to find the best spots to meet up with them for a drink or enjoy a good breakfast together. I discovered a great bar that's super close to their house, next to a marina, that has a chill, "Salt Life" kind of atmosphere and a delicious plant based burger (shout out to Get Hooked!) and my parents discovered Ram's. Ram's is in a shopping center less than ten minutes from their house; a cute little café type of place where the service is great and the food is tasty and filling. We always make sure to get there early so we can score a booth!


The place:

The Ram's Family Restaurant- Hudson, Florida.

The website for Ram's boasts over 28 years of experience being a go-to dining establishment in Hudson. 

Ram's is about 35 minutes from our house in Holiday, and we slid into my parents' booth shortly before 7:30. I had only ever eaten on the left side, but this time we got to sit on the right side. The restaurant was decked out with wreaths and garland for the holidays and it felt homey and cozy.

The menu:

T and I ordered juice because we are obsessed and got little baby cups again.

Orange for her and grapefruit for me. And our ubiquitous waters.

Christmasy specials menu. Last time I got the #17 Oats and Fruit special and it was perfect!

I ordered a veggie omelet with mushrooms and tomatoes (sans onions and peppers), with hash browns and a plain biscuit. T of course, ordered her Biscuits and Gravy which was number 7 in the Breakfast Specials section. She asked for her eggs on the side.

The verdict:

"Fluffy! Oh my god, fluffy biscuits!" T was very excited about these biscuits. "They just kind of crumple, which is awesome, and the gravy is pretty good. It's neutral, not like the other time when it was just milky." She said the gravy had a little bit of sausage flavor but not too much. And a little bit of pepper flavor... but not too much. These were T's Goldilocks B&G because it was "just right. I can taste the flavors but it's not overpowering."

T also liked the eggs, saying she would have liked to order them on top but she wanted to taste everything separately. "Putting the fluffy eggs on top of it is very yummy and the texture makes me happy." (T is huge on textures.)

The gravy had small sausage chunks throughout. T ate all the gravy at the end, which she doesn't always want to do. She said there was a lot of gravy for one biscuit which she didn't mind but it was a lot of extra. However, the serving size of the 1/2 biscuit special was perfect because she's not usually very hungry in the morning.

Overall, T rated her Ram's Biscuits and Gravy as a 7/10.

She said she was satisfied... that the B&G definitely rated at least a 7 but she wanted to save an 8 for something totally amazing.

My omelet was good but a little lacking in flavor. I've often found that when you order things without cheese that are meant to include cheese, they can end up pretty bland.

My crispy hash browns were very good (as usual at Ram's)... but that biscuit.

You can see why T was excited about their Fluffiness Level (™). My plain biscuit was SO good and honestly two of those babies with butter or jelly could be a meal all by themselves. I was glad I ordered the plain version of what T was experiencing so I could kind of have my own perspective on it. These biscuits rock. At a later visit to Ram's I ended up ordering a TOASTED biscuit and as good as they were before, toasting them is a game changer.

Other thoughts:

Although T loved these B&G, she still hasn't found The One B&G to Rule Them All. We will continue to frequent Ram's until my parents get sick of it. Which will be never.


The service at Ram's is great and members of the wait staff now know my parents because they have become regulars. In addition to their awesome prices, Ram's also has a nice array of choices for someone like me, so I can go there and order fun stuff like omelets when I don't have to work the next day, or I can order a nice safe bowl of oatmeal with fruit and a (~toasted~) biscuit and be perfectly content.

I have yet to use the facilities at Ram's but the restaurant itself is very clean, well-lit, and well-run. The employees are friendly and efficient and I have no qualms about becoming a regular at a local joint like this. I don't have to say we will return because we already have!

Obligatory chicken art.
